How to Quickly Lose Belly Fat

How to Quickly Lose Belly Fat

This article is about yeast overgrowth.
People who are suffering from yeast overgrowth often have weight problems especially around the middle. Because of the the yeast overgrowth they also have a lot of trouble losing weight. It seems like no matter how hard you try to loose weight and get in shape the food cravings are almost overpowering.
Yeast overgrowth is more common in women than men but both sexes can suffer from it.
High carbohydrate junk foods, birth control pills and antibiotics can all contribute to yeast overgrowth. But there are some things that you can do to get relief, and one of the best things about it is that it's also not all that expensive.

Things You'll Need:

Garlic capsules

Olive Leaf Extract

Caprylic Acid

virgin coconut oil


First you need to kill the yeast to do that I suggest a combination of 500 mg. olive leaf extract and 600 mg.caprylic acid. You can take one of each 3 times a day with meals.


Caprylic acid is naturally found in coconuts, so if you have any virgin coconut oil on hand it can be substituted for the caprylic acid.


Restore the friendly bacteria in your body.
You can eat yogurt but it's not going to supply everything that you need so I would suggest taking a supplement. Two excellent products are Primal defense and PB 8. The one that I use is pb 8


Following a yeast free diet is also very helpful. But that's something that many people have trouble sticking to. So don't stress out to much about it, because as the yeast starts to die off you will find that your cravings for all of the sugary high carb foods has faded away. And at the same time while your stomach is getting flatter you will find yourself with more and more energy.


Be sure to keep taking the supplements for at least 60 days. Otherwise the yeast is likely to return.

Tips & Warnings

Some of the many symptoms of yeast overgrowth:

food cravings especially for sweets and refined carbs


poor memory

food intolerance

lack of sexual desire

digestive problems

lack of mental alertness




Yeast overgrowth can also cause severe health problems and shouldn't be left unchecked.

I would also suggest starting off slowing to avoid the die-off effect which can make you feel pretty tired and sluggish for a while.

How to Quickly Get Rid Of Cold Sores

How to Quickly Get Rid Of Cold Sores

Cold sores are unsightly and many times very painful to suffer from. The sooner you can rid yourself of them, the better for your complexion and peace of mind. Cold sores can be caused by many things including stress, acidic foods, herpes simplex virus and fever. The best way to avoid having them is to figure out what your triggers are. If you know what causes your outbreaks, it is easier to keep from getting them by avoiding those triggers.

Things You'll Need:



Abreva cold sore medicine

Valtrex prescription medication


How To Quickly Get Rid Of Cold Sores


Wet the cold sore with the tip of a finger in some water. Now use that same finger to dip into the alum. Apply the alum directly to the cold sore and leave on for 30 seconds. Do not leave it on any longer, as it will dry your lips and cause cracking and scarring to occur. Rinse off with cold water. You can apply this three times a day for the extent of your outbreak.


Contact your doctor about possibly getting a prescription for Valtrex. This is normally given for genital herpes, but works effectively at a 1000 mg dose twice on the first day and once every day afterwards. This prevents the cold sores, but also will end the outbreak within an average of 3 days if taken at the first sign of a cold sore. The cheaper version of this drug is a generic, and will on average cost $35.00 for a 30 day supply of 500 mg tablets, whereas the Valtrex at minimum for a 30 day supply of 1000 mg tablets costs $65.00 to fill.


Apply Abreva to the tip of your finger and then apply directly to your cold sore. Coat the area around the sore with a thin layer of medication as well to prevent spreading. Every four hours you should reapply to keep the area protected. Clean with water only and reapply daily until the cold sore is gone, which on average is 4 days.


Use your finger to extract a small amount of Carmex out of the container. Use your finger to spread a thin layer onto the cold sore directly. This should ease some of the pain as well as the drying effect on the skin. Reapply whenever you notice your sore is no longer wet feeling. Continue this for 3 days. As the sores peel, clean and reapply the Carmex to insure protection of the area.

Tips & Warnings

Any of these remedies should be used for a minimum of 3 days, with the best results occurring around the 4th day. Valtrex can only be obtained with a prescription from your doctor. Ask for a sample, as many offices keep it on hand. There are also salves that your doctor can prescribe that are given in the office that work the same as the Valtrex does, in shorter time frames. Always consult your physician if you are taking any medications before beginning a new one. You can use any or all of these remedies at the same time. Valtrex is best when first taken at the beginning of an outbreak, or the burning sensation on the lip. The other remedies can be used in conjunction with the medication.

How to Put Peroxide in Your Ears

How to Put Peroxide in Your Ears

The use of hydrogen peroxide is a time-honored home remedy for wax buildup in the ears. At the same time, the bubbling action often is also soothing to someone who is dealing with an earache. Properly applying the peroxide can make all the difference in the effectiveness of the treatment. Introduce small amounts of hydrogen peroxide into the ear to get the desired results.

Things You'll Need:

Bottle of hydrogen peroxide

Bubble syringe

Cotton ball



Pour a small amount of hydrogen peroxide into a clean cup. The equivalent of a couple of tablespoons of the liquid will be sufficient in most cases.


Prepare the bubble syringe. Press on the bladder to expel the air contained within the syringe. You want as little air in the body of the device as possible.


Fill the bubble syringe. Place the tip of the syringe in the small cup of peroxide. Release the sides of the syringe, allowing the suction to draw the liquid into the body of the device.


Lie or sit in a comfortable position. Make sure your head is turned so that the infected ear is facing up.


Introduce the peroxide into the ear canal. Place the tip of the bubble syringe at the opening of the ear. Slowly squeeze the sides of the syringe. This will force the peroxide gently into the ear.


Cap the opening to the ear. After withdrawing the bubble syringe from the ear, place a cotton ball over the opening to the ear canal. This will help to keep the peroxide in the ear and facilitate the bubbling action that will loosen the wax.


Rest for one to two minutes. During this time, the bubbling action of the peroxide will provide a pleasant sensation, especially if the individual is suffering with an earache. The bubbling should subside within a moment or two.


Remove the peroxide from the ear. Turn your head upright and allowing the peroxide to drain into the cotton ball. When draining is complete, remove the cotton ball. The material will be discolored from the mix of loosened wax and the peroxide.

Tips & Warnings

A bubble syringe is recommended for this process. However, an eyedropper will work very well if a bubble syringe is not available. In either case, take care to not stick the tip deeply into the ear canal and be sure the bubble syringe is clean.

Keep in mind that hydrogen peroxide does not dissolve earwax, but it can help to loosen built up wax so it can be dispelled from the ear and relieve pressure against the eardrum.

This process assumes that there is no damage to the eardrum. If you suspect that the eardrum might be damaged, do not attempt to treat the condition using any home remedy. See a physician immediately.

How to Put Feet Into a Home Spa Detox Bath

How to Put Feet Into a Home Spa Detox Bath

Foot detoxification baths were discovered 1600 years ago when a group of monks and sick people went on a pilgrimage in Japan and soaked their feet in a shallow hot spring. The next day, everyone felt much better and some people reported that their health conditions were gone. Today, you can purchase foot baths to perform detox in your own home.

Things You'll Need:

Home foot spa

Herbs or additives (optional)


Fill the foot bath with water and plug it in. The recommended water temperature is 104 to 108 degrees Fahrenheit.


Add natural herbs or additives to your foot bath. Ground ginger, citrus fruit peels or leaves from a pine tree are good choices to make your foot detox even more effective.


Place the home spa a comfortable distance from where you are sitting. The time spent using your home spa should be relaxing, so make sure that you sit in a comfortable position.


Put your feet in the home spa and relax. The recommended time for a foot detox ranges from 10 to 25 minutes.

Tips & Warnings

There are hundreds of home foot spas on the market and they range in price from $20 to several thousand dollars.

How to Purify a Homes Air with Essential Oils

How to Purify a Homes Air with Essential Oils

If the flu, cold or other illness has just gone through your house or it's been closed up all winter because of the cold or you have pets-the list can go on with reasons that you would want to purify the air in your home. Essential oils can disinfect the air along with giving the air a fragrant smell and help get rid of offensive odors. Read on to learn that using essential oils to purify a homes air will be easy and very simple.

Things You'll Need:

2 cups water

2 cup spray bottle with fine mist spray

Essential oils

How to Purify a Homes Air with Essential Oils


First to pick the essential oils you would like to use. Choose one to three essential oils from the two lists below. Some essential oils are in both lists.

List one-antiseptic and antibacterial:
Bergamot (Citrus bergamia)
Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum)
Eucalyptus (Eucaluptus globules)
Grapefruit (Citrus paradisi)
Juniper (Juniperus communis)
Lavender (Lavandula officinalis)
Lemon (Citrus limon)
Lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus or C. flexuosus)
Orange (Citrus sinensis)
Peppermint (Mentha piperita)
Pine (Pinus sylvestris)
Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis)
Sandalwood (Santalum album)
Tea Tree (Melaleuca alternifolia)

List two-antifungal
Chamomile Roman (Anthemis nobilis)
Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare)
Geranium (Pelargonium graveolens)
Lavender (Lavandula officinalis)
Tea Tree (Melaleuca alternifolia)


Once you have an idea on what essential oil(s) you would like to use, it is best to research the essential oil(s) to make sure that you don't have any health conditions that you shouldn't use that essential oil with. You will not be placing any essential oil on the skin for purifying the air but if someone has asthma for example some oils should not be used because they will still breathe them in.


When you have the essential oils picked or you can use one of the blends in the tips. Add a total of 8 to 10 drops essential oils and water to the spray bottle and shake.


Now spray around the room, start on one end of the room and work toward the other end. Spray on fabrics that won't be harmed by water, most furniture (other then wood) is safe to be sprayed with water, also since it's a fine mist there isn't much chance of damage. This will help clear out smells, bacteria and other things that may be in the fabric.


Step four can be repeated several times a day if needed, but doesn't need to be used daily, it can be used whenever needed just to lighten up the air. By using the essential oil air spray you will help to purify the air in your home.

Tips & Warnings

Try the following blends: great antiseptic blend (5 drops
, 3 drops eucalyptus and 2 drops pine essential oil); freshen (5 drops lemon, 2 drops geranium and 1 drops sandalwood); as well as clean and disinfect (4 drops lemon, 4 drops lavender and 2 drops eucalyptus).

How to Purchase Acupuncture Needles

How to Purchase Acupuncture Needles

Acupuncture has been popular in the United States for many years, but originated in China. Acupuncture involves inserting very small, thin needles into pressure points in the body to improve health and wellness. Acupuncturists use very thin, disposable needles that are sterilized using ethylene oxide. Acupuncture has been very successful in treating a wide variety of ailments, including headaches, back pain, sinusitis, chest pain and anxiety.


Decide which brand you would like to purchase. Two very popular and reliable brands of acupuncture needles are SEIRIN needles and Carbo needles. That is not to say that you must use these needles, but these are some of the most popular. SEIRIN needles are said to have a painless insertion, while Carbo needles tend to be less expensive. Both companies generally sell needles in in packs of 100.


Determine what size and length needles you will need. Acupuncture needles vary in size, as indicated by the color of their handle, the area an acupuncturist holds onto when he or she inserts and removes the needle. Needles range in thickness from .12 millimeters to .50 millimeters, and range in length between 0.5 and 5.0 inches. The range in size and thickness depends on the acupuncturist's personal preference, as well as the area of the body that he or she will be treating.


Make your purchase from a reputable online company. You will probably have to pay by credit card if you are ordering online. Although it is possible to purchase acupuncture needles at specialty medical supply stores, you are more likely to find a wider variety of sizes and brands online.


Use cautioun when using or handling your new acupuncture needles. When your acupuncture needles arrive, label them immediately so you don't get confused about needle length and thickness. If you test or open any of the needles, be sure to throw them away immediately so you don't get them confused with unused needles.


Become a practiced acupuncturist before attempting to use your new acupuncture needles on a patient. Before a trained and acupuncturist begins to work on a patient, they should practice on themselves 20 times to be sure their treatment is precise and pain-free.

Tips & Warnings

Do not attempt to use acupuncture needles if you have not been educated in acupuncture.

You should never use an acupuncture needle more than once, even if it is on the same person.

How to Pump in a Colon Cleanse

How to Pump in a Colon Cleanse

Colon cleansing is not often openly talked about, and many don't realize the benefits of cleansing the colon. There are many over-the-counter remedies you can do in the comfort of your own home to help clear out colon blockages and build-up. Consider doing a home colon cleanse before you run into colon health issues.


Understand the importance of a clean colon. The colon is where the body's waste is processed. Depending on your diet and health level, your body may be having a hard time processing your waste, leading to build-up and potential health problems.


Find a home colon cleansing kit at your local drug store. There are many available now, though they range in effectiveness and price. Find the one that is best for you and purchase it, asking a pharmacist for advice if you aren't sure. Everything you need will be in the kit, so don't worry about looking for accessories.


Look over the kit and read the directions. Make sure you are familiar with all the pieces and the process before starting. You will first need to pump liquid into your rectum. This liquid will break down the built-up waste lining and plaque. Then drain the liquid.


Use your bathroom for the treatment. You will need a water source to put into the pump. You will also want to be somewhere where you can drain the fluid. A bathtub is the preferred location for this. It is important to stay relaxed during the treatment and consider having someone help you so you are not tensing muscles while allowing the water to pump into your colon.

Tips & Warnings

If you have continuing colon problems, think about changing your lifestyle. It is important to analyze your diet and make sure you are getting enough fiber and other vitamins. The fiber will prevent this build up from occurring. Diet supplements are a good way to go if you have trouble eating enough fiber.

How to Properly Massage Feet

How to Properly Massage Feet

Your feet may be one of your most neglected areas of your body, but they shouldn't be considering they carry the weight of your entire body for miles each day. Having someone properly massage your feet can revitalize your feet and your entire body.

How to Properly and Safely Conduct a Fast for Cleansing or Spiritual Purposes

How to Properly and Safely Conduct a Fast for Cleansing or Spiritual Purposes

Human beings spend almost as much time eating as they do sleeping, and up to 40 percent of our calories are used to actually digest the food we consume. When eating is dropped from your daily routine, your life changes on many different levels. The dining downtime allows the body to prioritize detoxification and elimination over digestion. And the conscious denial of food challenges your concept of short-term satisfaction, not to mention you suddenly have a lot of extra time available.


Consult your physician if you are under his care or taking any prescription medication. If you have any medical concerns or problems whatsoever, fasting is probably not for you-at least not for the present.


Prepare mentally to fast. Reading up on the subject may be useful, especially if you have health issues such as blood sugar instability or if you require regular medication. Determine how long you are going to fast, and plan your life accordingly. Ask yourself why you are doing this and what you hope to gain from it. Consider the ramifications of not eating in terms of possible irritability, inability to concentrate, bad breath, confrontation of explaining why you are not eating if you are around others. Be prepared for distractions or situations where you could eat before you even realize you are doing it.


Schedule the entire event of fasting from before it starts until well after you have completed it. Know what you will be doing throughout the period. For example, you should not attend a wedding feast one night and begin a fast the next morning. Conversely, you should not end a fast abruptly with a large meal. All kinds of reactions are likely to occur going into and coming out of a fast, especially if you are not accustomed to fasting. Optimally you should eat very healthy foods in moderate amounts (or less) prior to fasting. When you are coming out of a fast, the idea is the same with more emphasis on sparingly.


Decide on how you want to look and feel while fasting. Many people think this is an odd concern, but much of what we experience in life is closely associated with what we expect and the mental pictures we program into our minds. Mental preparation will help you around the ideas of suffering and holiness. Ultimately fasting would not be apparent to anyone observing you in your life. When I fast, my intent is to be transparent to my wife,
and of course my business associates. This is quite difficult on an extended fast lasting more than a day or two. The feeling I normally experience is sluggishness during the first day, then greatly increasing energy and lightness, especially as the fast extends into the first few days.


Define what fasting actually is. Be prepared that your mind will play tricks on you. You may tell yourself there is no harm in taking a little nibble of something. You also must decide if you think drinking is allowed when you fast. Obviously you have to be careful that you do not become dehydrated, but you also need to decide at what point you have enough liquid. Probably the best way to tell is how many times you urinate. When fasting, you should not be in the bathroom more than once or twice per day, so you are drinking too much if nature calls more often than that. And decide what you will drink. Water is the obvious choice for hydrating, but you will be surprised how many different kinds of nutrients you can ingest through drinking and how easily you can be tempted to drink something when you are hungry.


Schedule your fast so that you have less interaction with people than normal. This is a time best used in solitude and inactivity. Obviously a weekend or vacation is an excellent time. Also plan the time of day to begin and end the fast. Many people start a fast on Saturday night after their evening meal and end the fast Sunday with their evening meal. You will barely notice you are fasting if you plan your day sensibly. Some people go on leisurely mountain forest hikes when they fast.


Limit initial fasts to a single day and increase the amount of time gradually each time you fast or not at all. Never jump into an extended fast until you know what you are doing and you have experienced the nuances of life's experiences caused by not eating.


Be prayerful and meditative. If this does not suit you, then there is no point in fasting. In general our lives overall and certainly our experience of life is a product of our thinking and our beliefs. When fasting, this activity is greatly accelerated and intensified. You can achieve great results in controlling your life to your benefit and the benefit of others. My most likely time to fast is when I am unable to reconcile overwhelming events in my life. A few days of fasting and introspection can work wonders in synchronizing the body, mind and spirit.


Monitor your bodily functions and blood sugar carefully. Many people develop bad headaches when fasting. This is not acceptable. You need to address this sensibly. Either end your fast or gradually drink a small amount of water. During a fast, a small amount of pure fruit juice, especially orange juice is acceptable. But be very deliberate and only drink as much as you have decided in advance would be acceptable.


End your fast at the appointed time with attention to how much and what kind of food you consume. Be careful about overeating, especially food that tastes good to you. I knew some ashram sisters who ended a long fast with potato chips and carbonated beverages. They were very uncomfortable, even sick, for the next day or two as a result of this very poor choice. An excellent menu for breaking a fast would be brown rice, simple whole grain bread, or simple salads without dressing. Fruit is all right but usually tends to raise your blood sugar too fast. Avoid dairy products, heavy carbohydrates like pancakes or waffles (especially with syrup) and most meats. If you only fasted for one day, then your body will be much more forgiving, but be very careful about allowing your blood sugar to increase too fast.

Tips & Warnings

Allow at least a week but probably a month before beginning a second fast. If you plan to fast one day per week, work up to this schedule gradually, e.g., wait a month between the first day and next time you fast, then reduce the time eventually to one week.

How to Promote Massage Therapy

How to Promote Massage Therapy

Massage therapy has become increasingly popular over the past few years, as many people turn to more holistic approaches to health and well-being. If you are a massage therapist, you know that there is a lot of competition out there from your peers in the industry. You may want to consider taking certain steps to help promote your massage therapy services.

Things You'll Need:

Promotional materials

Satisfied clients

A good professional reputation


Get business cards printed up promoting your massage therapy services. They need to be professionally designed, so resist the urge to "save money" by creating business cards on your own, because the quality will not be the same. Make sure that your information includes such things as your name, title, offered services and phone number.


Create a website to promote your massage therapy business. Websites are relatively simple to build, since there are a number of hosting sites that provide tools to make designing a website easy. Your site gives you the opportunity to elaborate on what it is you do, present proof of your expertise, inform visitors about the benefits of massage therapy, offer a means of direct contact with you if they have questions and want to schedule sessions, etc. The Internet gives you a wider audience. Your website address should be printed on your business cards, if you use them.


Utilize promotional materials, such as T-shirts, pencils, pens, bumper stickers, coffee mugs and the like that have the name of your massage therapy business on them. If you don't already have a logo, create one and then have a company like make promotional products for you, with your logo and business name. It's going to cost you a little, but the plus is that these promotional materials are bound to draw curious questions from observers. Not only can you use these products yourself, but you should consider giving things, like pencils and pens with your info on them to customers.


See if
salons will allow you to set up a massage chair for interested customers. You might find a shop that may be willing to let you do this regularly, since it will definitely add a perk to their own business. Customers can receive a chair massage while they wait for their hair appointments. You may only want to do this for a brief period of time, however, so that the salon won't try to cut into your profits. Once you've gotten sufficient positive feedback from those you give massages to, move on, but hand your satisfied clients your business card before you leave.


Word-of-mouth is still a very useful way of getting the word out about your massage therapy services. When customers are happy with your work, the likelihood is that they are going to go out and tell other people about it. Make sure that you establish a positive relationship with your clients from the beginning and that you are courteous, professional and willing to do all you can to accommodate them. You can even offer discounts to clients who consistently use your services or who refer a certain number of new clients. The better you treat customers, the better they will talk about you to friends, family members and acquaintances, which can result in more business for you.

How to Program Pre-treatment for Galvanic Therapy

How to Program Pre-treatment for Galvanic Therapy

Galvanic therapy uses electrical currents to simulate the body to heal itself, open areas or loosen muscles that spasm. Galvanic therapy is used mostly to help repair and relive pain in the body's soft tissues. In galvanic therapy, negative ions pass through the body to stimulate healing.Learn more about how to program pre-treatment for galvanic therapy.

Things You'll Need:

Galvanic therapy device



Wet the hand that will hold the galvanic therapy device. This device has a metal plate on the back that uses your body as a conductor for the electricity.


Place the wet hand on the metal plate on the back of the galvanic therapy device. That hand needs to stay moist during the treatment.


Push the "On" button on the front of the device with your other hand. The power indicator light is now on.


Turn the dial or use the button to select the length of time for the treatment. Push the button until you see a 1, 2, 3 or 5. These are minutes you choose from for the length of the therapy. Some galvanic therapy device styles have dials and others have buttons. Choose a time appropriate for the amount of area covered. If treating a small area like one side of the face, select two to three minutes. Larger areas such as thighs or abdominal muscles require long settings, like five minutes.

Tips & Warnings

Muscles sometimes twitch during galvanic therapy. This is a normal occurrence.

Use skin toner in a spray bottle during the treatment to keep the skin of the patient moist.

Do not use a galvanic therapy device in an area for more than five minutes at a time.