How to Quickly Lose Belly Fat
This article is about yeast overgrowth.
People who are suffering from yeast overgrowth often have weight problems especially around the middle. Because of the the yeast overgrowth they also have a lot of trouble losing weight. It seems like no matter how hard you try to loose weight and get in shape the food cravings are almost overpowering.
Yeast overgrowth is more common in women than men but both sexes can suffer from it.
High carbohydrate junk foods, birth control pills and antibiotics can all contribute to yeast overgrowth. But there are some things that you can do to get relief, and one of the best things about it is that it's also not all that expensive.
Things You'll Need:
Garlic capsules
Olive Leaf Extract
Caprylic Acid
virgin coconut oil
First you need to kill the yeast to do that I suggest a combination of 500 mg. olive leaf extract and 600 mg.caprylic acid. You can take one of each 3 times a day with meals.
Caprylic acid is naturally found in coconuts, so if you have any virgin coconut oil on hand it can be substituted for the caprylic acid.
Restore the friendly bacteria in your body.
You can eat yogurt but it's not going to supply everything that you need so I would suggest taking a supplement. Two excellent products are Primal defense and PB 8. The one that I use is pb 8
Following a yeast free diet is also very helpful. But that's something that many people have trouble sticking to. So don't stress out to much about it, because as the yeast starts to die off you will find that your cravings for all of the sugary high carb foods has faded away. And at the same time while your stomach is getting flatter you will find yourself with more and more energy.
Be sure to keep taking the supplements for at least 60 days. Otherwise the yeast is likely to return.
Tips & Warnings
Some of the many symptoms of yeast overgrowth:
food cravings especially for sweets and refined carbs
poor memory
food intolerance
lack of sexual desire
digestive problems
lack of mental alertness
Yeast overgrowth can also cause severe health problems and shouldn't be left unchecked.
I would also suggest starting off slowing to avoid the die-off effect which can make you feel pretty tired and sluggish for a while.
This article is about yeast overgrowth.
People who are suffering from yeast overgrowth often have weight problems especially around the middle. Because of the the yeast overgrowth they also have a lot of trouble losing weight. It seems like no matter how hard you try to loose weight and get in shape the food cravings are almost overpowering.
Yeast overgrowth is more common in women than men but both sexes can suffer from it.
High carbohydrate junk foods, birth control pills and antibiotics can all contribute to yeast overgrowth. But there are some things that you can do to get relief, and one of the best things about it is that it's also not all that expensive.
Things You'll Need:
Garlic capsules
Olive Leaf Extract
Caprylic Acid
virgin coconut oil
First you need to kill the yeast to do that I suggest a combination of 500 mg. olive leaf extract and 600 mg.caprylic acid. You can take one of each 3 times a day with meals.
Caprylic acid is naturally found in coconuts, so if you have any virgin coconut oil on hand it can be substituted for the caprylic acid.
Restore the friendly bacteria in your body.
You can eat yogurt but it's not going to supply everything that you need so I would suggest taking a supplement. Two excellent products are Primal defense and PB 8. The one that I use is pb 8
Following a yeast free diet is also very helpful. But that's something that many people have trouble sticking to. So don't stress out to much about it, because as the yeast starts to die off you will find that your cravings for all of the sugary high carb foods has faded away. And at the same time while your stomach is getting flatter you will find yourself with more and more energy.
Be sure to keep taking the supplements for at least 60 days. Otherwise the yeast is likely to return.
Tips & Warnings
Some of the many symptoms of yeast overgrowth:
food cravings especially for sweets and refined carbs
poor memory
food intolerance
lack of sexual desire
digestive problems
lack of mental alertness
Yeast overgrowth can also cause severe health problems and shouldn't be left unchecked.
I would also suggest starting off slowing to avoid the die-off effect which can make you feel pretty tired and sluggish for a while.